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Our Classic upright retro game is designed specifically to give the absolute best loving reproduction of 80 gaming.

A1 agency have a large array of consoles available to hire and a catalogue of games from rocking out on guitars to showing your moves!

A fantastic addition to your event, a great way to sort out the Travolta’s from the Dad Dancers.

Step up to the Oche!  Bring your favourite bar game to your event.

Take control of Mario in his iconic first appearance on screen as you battle to save princess peach from the evil Donkey Kong.

Sit behind the wheel of the F1 cockpit and Thunder round Silverstone to record the fastest time of the day.

Experience the thrill racing in the famous cars from the silver screen like the Toyota Supra and Dodge Charger.

What better way to celebrate the festive season than inviting your guests to come into Santa’s photo cabin!

Challenge your friends and colleagues and see who has the nerve to beat our giant buzz wire.

A true test of intelligence and strategy chess has been played since the 6th century and is loved by young and old making it the perfect game for events with a mix of ages.

Take turns to dropping your counters into the frame to try to form a line of 4 while stopping your opponent from doing the same.

A supersize version of the classic game with our giant Jenga hire the only limit to its size is your skill… and length of your legs.

Our Most Popular Machines..

Short-Term & Long Term Arcade Game Hire

Perfect for parties, exhibitions, and pop-ups, our short-term hire offers flexible rental options. Whether for a few hours or a weekend, arcade games add instant fun. Arcade machine hire is a great option for standalone attractions or as part of a larger entertainment setup, and can make your setup stand out from the crowd.

Are you a venue or office Looking for a long-term hire option? Get in touch

Events & Corporate Hire

Arcade games enhance corporate events, team-building days, and product launches, creating a relaxed, interactive environment. These are great for networking, office parties, or trade shows as a unique way to draw in the crowds and keep them engaged. 

Multiplayer games, such as Time Crisis 2, encourage teamwork and competition, making them ideal for team-building. There’s even options for customised machines for brand-focused events, with leader-boards, and prizes aligned to match your campaign.

For more info about hiring our Games and Attractions, or to receive a quotation, send us an online message below.