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Take a trip back in time and enjoy top songs from the 50s, 60s and 70s.
Our Absolute Latest and greatest retro game with up to 3000 games to choose from!
State-of-the-art 360 Photobooth, Capture your event in a new and unique way
Our Air Hockey Table is a high-energy game that will bring out your competitive side.
Futuristic Snowmobile racing Simulator fully immersive gameplay with vibrating seats and fantastic sound effects.
Made from a folding steel construction our basketball game is a great attraction suitable for all ages.
Batak is easy to learn and fiendishly addictive. It is great for parties and events.
One of our biggest sellers are Bucking Bronco which go down a storm at every event.
Start the fans please! Hire our Cash Grabber to add a unique twist to you event.
Perfect for parties, exhibitions, and pop-ups, our short-term hire offers flexible rental options. Whether for a few hours or a weekend, arcade games add instant fun. Arcade machine hire is a great option for standalone attractions or as part of a larger entertainment setup, and can make your setup stand out from the crowd.
Are you a venue or office Looking for a long-term hire option? Get in touch!
Arcade games enhance corporate events, team-building days, and product launches, creating a relaxed, interactive environment. These are great for networking, office parties, or trade shows as a unique way to draw in the crowds and keep them engaged.
Multiplayer games, such as Time Crisis 2, encourage teamwork and competition, making them ideal for team-building. There’s even options for customised machines for brand-focused events, with leader-boards, and prizes aligned to match your campaign.